Mindfulness 101 for Teens
Winter 2018
taught by Ann Hollar, M Ed
Course Description
Is your teen driven to distraction? Overwhelmed with keeping up socially on-line and off? Stressed about homework? Caught up in negative thinking? In this six week course, we will touch on many aspects of mindfulness that will help your teen navigate these exciting and complex high school years. The course is intended for high school aged teenagers (14 -19 years old). Class size will range from 10-20 students.
Last year, 100% of teens who took the class at CCFW said they would recommend it to a friend. Mindfulness helped:
100% of the class calm down when upset or stressed
93% be better listeners
79% make better decisions
71% avoid fights or arguments
After taking Mindfulness 101, teens said:
"I use at least one thing I learned in the mindfulness class every day, and it's been very helpful to keep my mind organized and keep myself centered. The breathing exercises help me relax in stressful situations."
"Mindfulness helps me focus and relax at the same time. The class was great since it was all high school students with the same pressures of homework, tests, and friends. The lessons and meditation help me find calm and step back to see the bigger picture."
"I learned how to listen to others way better (friends, family, teachers). The breathing exercise also helps me fall asleep."
"Life can be overwhelming and this helps a lot."
"Mindfulness has helped me put more effort into trying to discern what is real vs. imagined."
"I was pretty upset going to class at school, and I used mindfulness walking to calm down."
"If I just focus on one thing at a time I am better off."
"Bad grade on a quiz - I acknowledged sadness but didn't let it hold me back. Missed a shot in soccer - moved past it and scored."
"Ann's class made learning about mediation not only relatable but also enjoyable. I looked forward to going to her class as well as employing her methods in circumstances that I normally would have been unsure of what to do in. Working with Ann was a pleasure, and I look forward to continuing the use of mediation in stressful and foreign circumstances. Thank you Ann!"
Course Fees and Information
$190 registration fee.
Financial Assistance - If you are interested in financial assistance, CCFW offers a limited number of scholarships per course. To apply for a scholarship, please review criteria and complete the application form at https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/mindful/304378
Note: Scholarship applicants will be notified 3 weeks prior to the first day of class (1/22/18). Applicants must wait to register for the course until a decision has been made in order to qualify.
Cancellation Policy - Please Review
***20% of class registration fees are non-refundable***
Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to cancel your registration. Please review our cancellation deadlines below.
Cancellation two weeks before class start: 80% refund
Cancellation within two weeks of class start: 50% refund
Cancellations after class start: No refunds guaranteed after the start of the course.
Pay it Forward - Support the Scholarship Fund
If you are able to pay more for the course, we encourage you to consider donating to the Mindfulness Outreach Fund which allows CCFW to offer 50% and 100% scholarships to community members to aid in the cost of registration fees for mindfulness courses. Scholarships are awarded to increase accessibility of mindfulness and compassion training for individuals who have limited resources to obtain such training and to those who work in communities experiencing adversity. To make a donation to the scholarship fund, please visit http://giving.uw.edu/mindfulness
Course Schedule
Sundays, 4:00pm-5:15pm, Feb 11 - March 25
**Note: No class on February 18th.
Week 1: Brain, Body, Breath - Understanding the basics
Week 2: Home Sweet Home - Creating a sense of ease within ourselves
Week 3: Driven to Distraction - Learning how o focus attention
Week 4: Making Sense of your Senses - Slowing down and noticing
Week 5: Riding the Storm - Being with, not thrown, by strong emotions
Week 6: Giving Thanks - The power of gratitude and kindness
About the Instructor

Ann Hollar is a mindfulness instructor in Seattle. She has an M. Ed from the University of Washington, focusing her thesis on “Mindfulness in Education: The Secular Intersection of Buddhism and Neuroscience.” She currently teaches mindfulness to students in both public and private elementary, middle and high schools. She has been trained in both the MindUp and Mindful Schools curricula and has recently completed Mindful Schools Year-Long Instructor Certification Program. Her personal integration of mindfulness is constantly being kept alive via interactions with her three tween and teenaged boys.
"Thank you for creating a safe, nurturing space for our children to establish their own practice of mindfulness and appreciation. Through your course, we saw a gentle shift as our kids practiced noticing their thoughts, focusing their attention, and expanding their capacity for gratitude. Having "homework" helped them naturally establish a practice that carried over long after your classes were complete. Thank you for laying the groundwork for a practice that can help them through the inevitable stress of adolescence and beyond."
"Our daughter loved learning ways to relax and de -stress from Ann. She creates a safe, compassionate community where our daughter found inner peace."
"Students are experiencing higher levels of stress and Ann's class offers strategies and alternatives which allow them to feel less anxious, more balanced and more capable of managing the stress."
Privacy Policy
The personal information you submit to the Center for Child & Family Well-Being will not be shared, sold, or disclosed to third parties in any form, for any purpose, at any time without your authorization.
Contact Information
Marcellina DesChamps
Associate Director of Programs
Center for Child & Family Well-Being
Office: 206.221.8508
Email: mindful@uw.edu